Although winters in Georgia may not have the subzero temperatures that are common in the northern parts of the United States, they can still become very chilly. During the winter months, homeowners appreciate having a well-functioning HVAC system. Unfortunately, several problems can present themselves during the winter with your HVAC system. Here are some of the most common problems and how they can be addressed.

Frozen Pipes

Although Georgia is not known to have extremely cold winters, it’s not uncommon to have occasional temperatures below freezing. When temperatures get this cold, there is a risk of the pipes in your home freezing. Frozen water in the pipes can lead to bursting, which is an unbelievably expensive emergency. Some homeowners have had the unfortunate situation of being away on vacation when subfreezing temperatures hit. They may not have their thermostat set high enough to keep their home warm, or even worse, they may have set their thermostat high enough, but due to a furnace issue, the furnace does not activate, the home does not get warm, and the water pipes freeze.

A good way to prevent these types of furnace failures from happening is to ensure your furnace gets regular annual maintenance. During the maintenance check, an HVAC technician will look at your furnace’s mechanical and electrical components. They will also ensure that your thermostat is working as it should so that if you set your home’s temperature at 60 ° while you’re away, regardless of what the weather outside is, your home will be warm enough to prevent frozen pipes.

Hot and Cold Spots

You may notice that some of the rooms in your home are a lot colder than others during the winter. Typically, the rooms that are the farthest away from the furnace have the most issues with uneven heating. There are several reasons why your heating system could create an uneven airflow, leading to hot and cold spots. One reason could be a dirty or blocked filter.

When your furnace air filter is dirty or blocked, the blower fans have to work a lot harder to suck in new air and distribute warm air throughout the home. As a result, the blower may not have the power to push heated air to rooms at the farthest extremities of your home.

On the other side of the coin, you might have cold spots simply because furniture is blocking heating vents or your heating vents are closed when you think they are open. This is something each homeowner can check.

There could be blockages in your ductwork or a hole or leak in the ductwork that will prevent the treated air from reaching its destination. Your furnace blower motor could be damaged or on its last leg. It might not have the power to push the air to the parts of your home where you need it the most. For damaged blower fans or a ductwork issue, you want to contact a trained HVAC professional so they can get your furnace back in tip-top shape.

An Issue With Your Thermostat

When your furnace is struggling to keep your home warm, it’s understandable that the first thing you look at is the furnace itself. However, many are surprised that the problem is not with the furnace but rather the thermostat. It could be a wiring issue. Or it could be that your thermostat needs to be recalibrated and cleaned. Something as simple as replacing the batteries might be the solution, or you may need to have an HVAC professional troubleshoot the problem and provide options for repairing or replacing the thermostat.

If your thermostat is on its last leg, having a professional replace it with a programmable thermostat will fix any airflow problems you have and also allow you to program when and how your furnace activates to keep you more comfortable and save you money. During their evaluation, your HVAC technician can help you determine what thermostat will work best for your home.

Fixing a Problem With the Pilot Light

If you own a propane or gas heater, the system uses a pilot light to generate heat. Some systems maintain a continuously burning pilot light, while others activate it only when the system starts. Regardless of the model, a malfunctioning pilot light will result in no heat. Technicians can identify and fix issues with the pilot light, ensuring your home gets heated properly.

Addressing Carbon Monoxide Concerns

Combustion produces carbon monoxide. If your home uses a gas, oil, or propane furnace, you face potential carbon monoxide exposure. A flame primarily burning yellow indicates an incorrect gas-to-air ratio, raising the risk of excess carbon monoxide entering your home.

Leaky air ducts can draw carbon monoxide from vented appliances like water heaters and furnaces into your home. Properly sealing these vents minimizes carbon monoxide exposure and enhances your unit’s energy efficiency.

While airtight homes keep hot air in during winter, they can trap harmful carbon monoxide gases. Older ventilation systems may require replacement with modern systems that maintain a consistent airflow without wasting energy.

If your carbon monoxide detector chirps during winter, a single chirp signals a low battery needing replacement. Multiple chirps indicate detected carbon monoxide, requiring immediate evacuation. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless but deadly. During annual HVAC maintenance, professionals ensure your furnace functions correctly, preventing carbon monoxide buildup.

Addressing Heat Pump Concerns

Heat pumps efficiently heat and cool homes, but they face challenges in colder climates. These challenges can result in freezing, thermostat malfunctions, or starter capacitor issues. For complex problems like frozen coils or exterior ice buildup, consult a professional HVAC technician to restore your system’s functionality.

Increased Energy Bills

It’s normal for you to see some fluctuation in your energy bills during the winter. However, if you see drastic spikes upward and there has been no increase in the use of your HVAC system, you might be dealing with outdated equipment, dirty or clogged filters, or leaking ducts. Higher-than-expected utility bills could also be caused by a malfunctioning thermostat or lack of preventative maintenance.

Your Furnace Is Blowing Cold Air

It’s very frustrating to turn on your furnace during the winter and be greeted with cold air. The issue could be something that is obstructing the blower. This issue can also be caused by a damaged or faulty heating element. Both of these situations call for professional HVAC repair.

Quality Heating and Air Conditioning in the Metro Atlanta Area

Are you looking for the best option when it comes to HVAC in the metro Atlanta area? Precision Heating & Air is a locally family-owned business that has worked in the area for over three decades. We are committed to treating our customers with honesty and transparency throughout every step of their HVAC process. We have NATE-certified technicians and offer free estimates.

Our services include HVAC repair, installation, and maintenance. We offer air quality control services, install generators and water heaters, and offer emergency services. Contact Precision Heating & Air today to receive the most trusted high-quality HVAC services in our area.

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