Local weather and climate patterns play a pivotal role in determining the right HVAC system for your home. Many homeowners in the Dallas, GA area prioritize systems that excel at both cooling and dehumidification. To make the selection process easier, we put together a helpful guide on six common HVAC system options. Many of these options can either be connected to ductwork or run as ductless systems.

1. Air Conditioners

In a standard air conditioning setup, the outside unit houses the compressor, condenser coil, and fan, while the inside unit contains the evaporator coil and air handler. Air conditioning systems provide reliable and effective cooling, allowing homeowners to enjoy pleasant interior temperatures year-round. When paired with in-line air filters, these systems may improve indoor air quality by removing allergens and pollutants. For the most part, central air conditioning systems are simple to install.

2. Electric Furnaces

Due to the mild winters experienced in Dallas, electric furnaces provide a practical and an economical way to heat a house. Electric furnaces generate heat via electrical resistance. When compared to alternative heating choices, they’re usually less expensive upfront and easier to install. Plus, they have minimal upkeep requirements. Unlike gas heaters, electric heat doesn’t create gases like carbon monoxide that require venting. While less expensive than a gas furnace to purchase, electric furnaces often come with higher utility costs.

3. Gas Furnaces

Gas furnaces require a natural gas line or propane tank. The combustion process utilizes a burner to ignite the natural gas, heating up a metal heat exchanger. As air passes over this heated exchanger, it absorbs the warmth and distributes it throughout the house. These heaters warm quickly and are equally efficient despite the outside temperatures. The reduced cost of natural gas compared to electricity makes gas furnaces extremely affordable.

There are three main types of gas furnaces. Single-stage units run at maximum capacity and have only one heat output setting. Two-stage gas furnaces have two heat output settings: high and low. Most of the time, they operate at low capacity to keep interior temperatures stable. They convert to high capacity when they need more heating power to compensate for freezing temperatures. Modulating gas furnaces modulate the heat output in very tiny increments, making them incredibly efficient.

4. Heat Pumps

The principle of operation for heat pump systems is the movement of refrigerant, which transfers heat from one place to another. They work by drawing in heat from the air inside and releasing it outside during the warmer months, therefore cooling the house. When the weather becomes cold, the process reverses, bringing heat inside the home from the outside.

Heat pumps may pull temperatures from one of three sources: air, water, or below ground. Water-source heat pumps get heat from bodies of water like wells or ponds, whereas air-source heat pumps draw heat from the surrounding air. A geothermal heat pump draws heat from the ground by tapping into the relatively constant temperature of the earth.

5. Packaged HVAC Systems

Packaged HVAC systems, also known as all-in-one systems, combine heating, cooling ,and sometimes ventilation components into a single unit installed outdoors. They’re particularly beneficial for houses with limited outdoor installation areas. These systems work by drawing in outdoor air, conditioning it through the heating or cooling process, and then distributing it throughout the home via ductwork or mini-split air handlers.

6. Boilers

Boiler heating systems work by heating water in a central unit, typically fueled by gas, oil, or electricity. The heated water circulates throughout a house via pipes connected to radiators or radiant floor systems, where it releases heat into the rooms. As the water cools, it returns to the boiler for reheating, continuing the cycle. These systems provide consistent warmth and are compatible with HVAC zoning.

There are two main types of maintenance for boilers: preventive maintenance, which involves routine inspections and servicing to prevent issues, and corrective maintenance, which addresses any problems that arise. Regular maintenance by a qualified technician can prolong the lifespan of the boiler and minimize the risk of costly repairs.

Factors for Choosing the Right HVAC System

There are several key questions you need to ask yourself when choosing an HVAC system. The answers to these questions will narrow down your options and make the selection process easier.

Existing System

If you’re looking to improve upon an existing system in your home , it makes sense to know what has already been installed that can be reused. This includes things like the presence and location of gas lines, whether a concrete pad has been poured for an existing outdoor unit, and the existence and location of ductwork.

If you have central air and are considering a change in your HVAC system due to a partial remodel, speak to an HVAC professional about whether it makes more sense to upgrade your ductwork or to add a secondary heating and cooling source. In many cases, adding a ductless system just for the new rooms may be the least intrusive and most cost-effective option.

Utility Costs

Choosing an energy-efficient system will help your home lower its utility bills. Prioritizing energy efficiency also contributes to reducing carbon emissions and conserving natural resources. Energy-efficient HVAC systems may qualify for rebates or incentives from your local utility, reducing their up-front costs. Geothermal heat pumps are among the most energy-efficient HVAC options. They reduce energy loss associated with ductwork and utilize renewable energy sources, offering superior efficiency and cost savings over time.


Air filters and electronic air cleaners capture a wide range of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens. Removing these pollutants improves respiratory health and reduces allergy symptoms. In-line air purifying systems can be retrofitted to existing systems in some cases.

It’s important to work with your HVAC professional before simply choosing a higher level of filtration. Using a filter with a high MERV filtration rating may seem like a good way to increase your air quality. But if it requires more power to move air through this filter than your system is rated for, it can cause stress and premature wear.

Smart Technology

Integrating an HVAC system with smart home ecosystems enables more control and monitoring. Smart thermostats can adapt to user preferences and occupancy patterns. Mobile apps provided by HVAC manufacturers allow you to remotely monitor and control your systems from anywhere with an internet connection. Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant enable hands-free control of HVAC settings. Energy monitoring platforms provide insights into HVAC usage patterns and energy consumption, empowering you to make informed decisions about energy use.

Expert Recommendations

Licensed HVAC technicians have extensive training and expertise in the HVAC field. They know all the factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system. Such factors include things like the square footage of your home, its insulation levels, and local climate patterns. Relying on their suggestions can save you time and money by ensuring you install an HVAC system that matches your house’s unique heating and cooling needs.

When you need help with HVAC repairs, installing a thermostat, or cleaning ductwork, Precision Heating & Air is the firm to call. To learn more about selecting the right HVAC system for your Georgia home, contact us today.

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