Are you ready for the hot Georgia summer? It’s already here, and the temperatures are only rising. While you’ll spend a lot of time at the pool or hopefully at the beach, there will be plenty of time spent indoors. You need to be sure you can beat that summer heat without burning a hole in your wallet. From pre-summer HVAC tune-ups to proper AC unit maintenance, to do-it-yourself tricks, Precision Heating & Air is here to help you keep cool this summer. Whether you’re in Dallas, Marietta, Smyrna, or Atlanta, follow these helpful tips to keep that home cool and wallet full.
Do-It-Yourself AC Unit Tips to Keep Costs Down
We know how it is. You crack the windows and put on the fans as long as you can, but the second those temperatures hit the 90s, you’re running to flip that AC switch and get it pumping. Well, not so fast. Turning your AC unit on and off with the heat is not only bad for the system but boosts your energy bill. Find a comfortable temperature and leave it set to auto to run when it feels it should. Of course, we all love some sunlight in our homes, but when you leave for the day, make sure those curtains are drawn to keep the cool air in and the warm air out. Lastly, check your windows and doors and makes sure they are properly sealed. No reason to let that cool air out in the open! Keep it inside and stay cool.
Stay on Top of AC Cleaning
Here’s the biggest do-it-yourself trick to stay cool at a budget-friendly cost. Keep that AC unit clean all year round! The three big things you should keep an eye on, especially at times of the year when the HVAC unit is heavily used, are the filters, the grille, and the drain. Changing the filters keeps air flowing smoothly and cleaning the grille and vacuuming the inside makes sure no dust or particles are interrupting that ACs flow. The drain and tubes can get clogged by debris, like leaves or rocks, or just dirt, and should always be checked. If you’re unsure how to clean your HVAC unit, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our skilled technicians, or even consider an annual plan that keeps us on call all year round.
The 26-Point Precision Heating & Air Clean & Check
The best way to make sure your HVAC is ready for the summer heat of Georgia is to have our technicians come out and perform our signature tune-up on your AC unit. For just $89.95 for one unit, our team will check your HVAC unit inside and out, making sure all your filters are set, your motor is pumping, and the coils are functioning. It is important to stay on top of maintenance because if your HVAC isn’t running correctly, it is costing you money on your summer budget. We’re here to help five days a week with general care and 24/7 emergency service. Our annual plans not only ensure you get our 26-point inspection, but that you have us on call winter, spring, summer, and fall. We’re so confident in our technicians, we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so schedule a tune-up today!
Keep it Cool at a Budget-Friendly Monthly Cost
If you follow these money-saving tips, you’ll enjoy the Atlanta summer without going over that monthly budget. While it’s important to maintain what you can on your own, don’t forget, a properly running HVAC unit is an efficient unit, both for your comfort and wallet! If you’re in the Metro Atlanta area, call us today for information or to schedule HVAC service!