It’s recommended that you get a furnace tune-up once a year, but many of us don’t think about our heat until it’s time to turn it on. So, if you don’t remember to schedule a furnace service, and you think your furnace might need some attention, here are some ways to know for sure:

No Heat

If you’re noticing that you’re colder in your home than usual, your furnace might not be producing any heat. This is one of the most obvious signs that you have a problem: if there’s no heat, your heater isn’t working.

Utility Bill Increase

Your utility bill is going to increase in the colder months because you’re using your furnace then. But if your bill spikes are unusually high, it could be because your furnace isn’t performing at peak efficiency.

Fuel Smell

It’s normal for a furnace to smell faintly of fuel – that’s what it’s burning. However, if the smell starts to get overwhelming, you might have a problem. If you start smelling something like sulfur or rotten eggs, it’s time to call and get your furnace serviced.

Banging Noise

Your furnace should operate quietly even when it’s putting out a lot of heat. When you turn your heat on, if you hear a clanking or banging noise, it’s time to get a tune-up.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Furnaces are equipped with carbon monoxide detectors for your safety, as the gas cannot be detected with any of your five senses. If the detector goes off, it is because of incomplete combustion in your furnace. Shut down your gas appliances, open the windows, and leave the house. Once you have called the fire department, get your furnace serviced immediately.

Call Precision Heating & Air

To fix any of these problems or for a simple checkup of your heating and furnace system, give the HVAC professionals at Precision Heating & Air a call.

We can be reached at (770) 758-4552, or you can schedule a service call online now.

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