The majority of homes rely on gas furnaces to heat their homes during the colder fall and winter months. The furnace combusts fossil fuels and converts gas into heat for your home. Gas furnaces use a collection of parts to properly function, including burners, blowers, heat exchangers, and the control panel.

Once the air temperature in your home drops below your programmed setting, the gas furnace reacts by creating heat from a combustion chamber. The silicon nitride igniter sparks the burner inside and pushes heat into the exchanger. The heated air filters through the ducts in your home to vent warm air. Owners enjoy a nice, toasty home with a functioning gas furnace.

However, gas furnaces begin to break down over time, and when they do so, your home will not heat properly. At Precision Heating & Air, we recommend inspecting your gas furnace with the help of our handy checklist.

Inspect Your Furnace Unit

Locate your furnace. Inspect for black soot which can infiltrate your air supply and cause dangerous ventilation. Turn up the heat on your thermostat and observe the burner flames on your furnace unit.

If the flame is blue, a steady supply of natural gas is properly heating your home. If the flame is yellow or orange, an improper supply of natural gas is burning. Schedule a time with a certified technician on our team to help fix your furnace.

Turn Off Your Furnace and Clean Your Unit

Following any furnace inspection, shut your thermostat and furnace off. Once your furnace is properly cooled off, open the furnace. Use a vacuum and cleaning cloth to remove excessive dust from inside your unit. Dust can create dirty air and spread allergens in your home.

Inspect Your Furnace’s Fan Belt

Once you’ve opened the door to your furnace and cleaned all the dirt, thoroughly inspect the fan belt. Check for cracks, and fraying, and to see if it’s loose. If you can feel it shake, it will need to be tightened to avoid damaging the rest of your furnace.

Check Your Pilot Light and Filters

If you happen to blow out your pilot light on your unit during your inspection, simply relight it. If your unit was abnormally dusty, your filter is probably due for a change.

Be sure to change your furnace’s filter to ensure you’re only circulating clean air throughout your home.

Need Help Checking Your Gas Furnace?

For all your gas furnace maintenance needs, Precision Heating & Air is here to help.

Schedule a professional examination today! For more information about all our services, give us a call at (770) 758-4552.

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